With 4 billion active internet users and 3 billion active social media users there is no doubt that your business needs to be online and social. Creating content for all of you website and your social media platforms needs to be done so with purpose. Let’s go over 7 tips for creating content.
7 tips for creating content
When creating content for social media or your business website, it needs to be created with a purpose in mind. What do you want your followers to get from your content? Above all, make sure your strategy is working. So, what should you be keeping in mind?
1: Have Clear & Measurable Goals
Getting “views” does not mean there is a return on investment. Sure, seeing 105 views is nice, but did any of these viewers take action? Was your content shared? Did it get comments? Did it get ‘likes’ or ‘loves’ or was the laugh emoji used? The LOVE and HAHA are the ones you want to aim for btw, Facebook loves those!
There is a ton of time that goes into creating content, make sure your business has a goal with each post. Make that connection, reply to any comment given, and follow up with those took action on the post. In the end, it is all about building relationships! And, always included in you business goal is to get a return on investment which takes us into tip #2.
2: CHeck your analytics
If you’re not doing this then you have literally no idea how your posts are doing! Instagram and Facebook both offer analytics and these should be checked for each new post and past posts daily. Checking your analytics is the one sure way to know what content is getting engagement and this will also tell you what your audience wants to see.
3: KNow your buyer & their process
Who is your buyer? Who wants your product or service and what is their process in getting it from you. Do they do research on price or a comparable product? And, what will make them buy it from you? Building relationships is key here (see TIP #1). Get interactive, ask your customer questions, be genuine, and build trust.
4: Understand your target audience
When putting together a marketing strategy do you keep your target audience in mind? Do you know who is going buy your product or service? Always keep in mind as to who you want to sell your product or service to. Male, Female, age categories and interests! It is also good to do trend research. What worked a year ago in reaching your target audience, may not work now. Stay educated and know your audience.
5: Re-purpose your content
Ah yes, you can reuse a graphic! Why? Well, if it was a good one (your analytics told you this) then why not ensure your audience sees it more than once? We make graphics, so we know the time invested and your money invested into us creating them. If they worked, use them again! Not daily, but every other week isn’t a bad thing.
6: CONSISTENCY in content & posting
All of the above tips lead up to this. Be consistent with the content your audience likes and what gets your business a return! Again, check your analytics here. Find your platform, and stick to it. You don’t need to be on all of them, only the one(s) that make sense for your business. Just be sure you are posting regularly (3 to 5 times a day) with the content your audience wants.
7: Branding
Make sure your brand, your businesses voice, is clear and consistent across all platforms and on your website. Do not confuse your audience. Create a nice consistent brand flow and build trust through it.
Get personal! Show who you are and what your business is all about. People want to connect with people, even through our screens. Behind the scene photo’s are always a hit! So, if you’re struggling with content ideas, go behind the scenes!
There you have it. Keep it simple and have fun! Your business deserves your time in creating content that matters. And, if you find yourself short of time in doing this, CONTACT US, we are here to help. We are your content specialists.
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