Barrhead, Alberta Canada

Website Design Pricing; I can’t afford a Website!

Website Design

Website Design and Development and the dreaded word, PRICING. We try do things a little differently. You work so hard for your business, your website needs to be working just as hard if not harder. And that means, we work hard for you to make sure your website stands out and represents your business.

“But I Can’t afford a website!”

Yes, yes you can.

Really, you can’t afford NOT to have a website.
Website Design
Website Design

Blog websites, business websites eCommerce websites, online stores, affiliate sites WordPress websites, Shopify websites, we do it all. We provide a personal level of web design services, usually from a distance.We get it, you don’t have mush time, so we make the process of getting to know you easy. We Can Help. And yes trust me when I say you can afford us.

Ok, enough chit chat. So what does a website design cost? Honestly, it’s not as bad as you think. A simple 4 page website starts out at $500. Not bad right?


These 4 pages usually consist of;

  1. Home
  2. Contact
  3. About Us
  4. Services/Shop/Blog/Gallery (depending on the website purpose.)

From there, yes the price goes up. If you want a simple website, we give you a simple website. Simple. Website design does not need to be complicated and neither does the pricing. It’s why we offer a FREE consultation.

website management

We take a look at your needs and wants and paint a picture (not literal) of your idea of a perfect website, and then we give you a quote based on what we feel suits your business. By WE, we mean you and us, not us and us. This process involves some questions, a few of your favorite web links and some general conversation to get to know one another before we get down to business.

Step 1, get to know you. Step 2, get to know your business. Step 3 draw up a verbal design and proposal. Step 4, get to work. It’s a simple process, and we are there along the way to answer any and all questions.

Web Design and Development, it’s what we do.

CONTACT US, you’ll be glad you did.































































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